Book - The Integral Church
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The Son of God chose the darkest scenario of the moment to reveal the most glorious idea in history: THE CHURCH. Two thousand years later we can show that the Church is God's design to manifest His Kingdom in the world. It is such a sacred and powerful plan, that not even the errors of the human being through the centuries, nor hell, nor enemies, nor atheists, nor the religious themselves, could stop this glorious movement.
God promised to perfect this work until the day of Jesus Christ. To do so, He chose a design of five ministries that are intended to bring all the saints to the measure of the stature of Jesus. The purpose of the Gospel is not to fill the temples with people, but to fill people with Christ. In this book, we will see these five characteristics of Jesus that we all can and should live:
- Pastoral column: The character of Christ
- Biblical column: The wisdom of Christ
- Prophetic column: The sensitivity and passion of Christ
- Evangelistic column: The compassion of Christ
- Apostolic column: The maturity of Christ
I want to invite you to travel a path in which you will learn:
- How to develop these dynamics in your being, in your daily activities, in your family and community
- How to grow pastorally in the character of Christ
- How to activate the biblical area in your personal life
- How to listen to God and sensitize the spiritual senses to his reality
- How to be more compassionate with your neighbor by establishing a channel for the supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit
- How to develop apostolic maturity
- How to restore the five ministries in the Body of Christ
The coming years will see the best version of the Church and an expression of Christianity that will shake the nations and bring Jesus Christ back to earth. You have been recruited for this purpose. You are part of this army. It is time to restore THE INTEGRAL CHURCH.
Mariano Sennewald is the founder and director of MiSion Institute, a Ministerial Training Center where thousands of people from all over the world are trained to be leaders and ministers who manifest the Kingdom of God in the nations. He is pastor of El Encuentro Church in Buenos Aires. He travels through cities and nations sharing the call to intimacy with God and passion for the global plan of Jesus for the end times. His message is based on the restoration of the first two commandments, the preparation of the Church for the coming dynamics, the return of Christ, and the manifestation of the eternal Kingdom in the nations. He is the author of several books: “Sons and Daughters of Intimacy”, “The Garden of Friendship”, “The Transformative Power of Extreme Devotion”, “The Passions of the Heart of God” and “The Integral Church”. He lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with his wife Analia and their daughters, Constanza and Catalina.