Book - Sons & Daughters Of Intimacy
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God is giving birth to an army of sons and daughters who will manifest the Father's substance throughout the earth. These, born of intimacy with God, cannot be identified with a religious tradition but with the nature of the One who begot them. The glory of the Father is that we would resemble Him. The earth wants to see a generation of sons and daughters who express the divine essence in power, character and glory. We need to see men and women who can say like Jesus: "He who has seen me has seen the Father."
We have all been defined by the world. Someone told us who we were and what we should do. We are the result of experiences that have marked us and dictated our path. Nevertheless:
- What would happen if you discover that God says something different about you?
- What if, until now, you have lived to meet the expectations of man and not those of your Creator?
- Have you realized what can be unleashed if you embrace your eternal identity and begin to live in response to it?
It takes years for the enemy to corrupt an identity; but for God, only an instant to restore it.
There is a generation that is about to manifest. They are not born of rules, regulations and principles of men. They are revolutionaries who will be birthed in intimacy. God will enlighten hundreds, who will manifest to humanity the heart essence of the uncreated Being. Do not look for them among the crowd, they are lost in the Father's business. They are heirs of eternity, they are "Sons and Daughters of Intimacy". Be part of the generation that will manifest God on earth.
Mariano Sennewald is the founder and director of MiSion Institute, a Ministerial Training Center where thousands of people from all over the world are trained to be leaders and ministers who manifest the Kingdom of God in the nations. He is pastor of El Encuentro Church in Buenos Aires. He travels through cities and nations sharing the call to intimacy with God and passion for the global plan of Jesus for the end times. His message is based on the restoration of the first two commandments, the preparation of the Church for the coming dynamics, the return of Christ, and the manifestation of the eternal Kingdom in the nations. He is the author of several books: “Sons and Daughters of Intimacy”, “The Garden of Friendship”, “The Transformative Power of Extreme Devotion”, “The Passions of the Heart of God” and “The Integral Church”. He lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with his wife Analia and their daughters, Constanza and Catalina.